I really enjoy sharing my expertise with others through teaching and coaching. I’ve given training at large companies, colleges, technical conferences, and to individuals. I also enjoy writing and creating interactive tutorials for the web.
Training and talks:
- PyCascades 2018 IoT Communication in Micropython. video
- PyCon 2017 IoT workshop, also presented to the PDX Python User Group in March 2018. Assembled 50 prototype boards with ESP8266 micro controllers and temperature sensors to teach micropython basics, MQTT, and IoT security concepts. video github
- Portland Data Science Group November 2016 “Introduction to Object Oriented Data Science with Python”
- PyDX October 2016 Internet of Cats: micropython for mews. Talk given at Portland’s local Python conference about using micropython on the ESP8266 wifi module to display cat pictures on a Nokia 5110 LCD screen. Cat pics could be requested via HTTP from the ESP8266. video github
- AlterConf October 2016. Spoke about my experience as a FTM in tech. video
- LA Community College August 2016. Tutorial on building scalable web data pipelines in Python
- Toorcamp June 2016. lead a workshop introducing developers to the campnear.me API
- PyCon May 2016. Tutorial on building scalable web data pipelines in Python. video github
- Intel Software Professionals Conference 2013 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Async JavaScript
Feedback from a student of my Object Oriented Data Pipelines class:
“I had the opportunity recently to take a short course that Sev developed and taught at the PyCon Conference in Portland, OR. The course was excellent: the content was appropriate for the audience, the materials shared were of high quality, and the pace of instruction was spot on. More importantly, Sev did a terrific job of organizing the content itself, and in presenting it in a repetitive (I don’t mean that in a negative sense) way that reinforced the concepts by drawing a helpful contrast between ways to do things that were already familiar and ways to do things that were assumed to be new to the audience. Beyond all that, Sev had an easy-going, friendly, approachable yet highly competent technical style that made for a really effective and value-added tutorial experience for me. I highly recommend Sev for his technical acumen and for his ability to communicate and share that expertise with others.” – Jeff L
- January 2017, State Management with React/Redux
- December 2016 National Parks Weather with React
- October 2016 An Introduction to Object Oriented Data Science in Python
- September 2016 Advanced Google Maps with JavaScript
- August 2016 Interactive Mapping with Python, GeoJSON, and JavaScript