Connect with your customers through products that inform and empower. Our novel approach and expert research capabilities has users saying “Wow, this is terrific!” “When can I buy it?” “This is so useful!”

Find out more in this case study including some products we have created.

Creating New User Experiences With Data


Transform large, complex data sets into software that connects with users to provide new experiences and opportunities.


  • Create Political Fact Checker: Automate fact checking of political statements in real-time and display results in a way that can be quickly understood.
  • Build Provide a consolidated, accessible source of information for nearby camping on public lands.

Solution: Political Fact Checker

  1. Analyze recent political news articles to identify popular topics.
  2. Leverage Intel® Ultrabook voice technology to automate capture of spoken statements.
  3. Extract claims from statements and automate search on political fact check websites for relevant results.
  4. Score results for relevancy and discern relative truth/falsehood.
  5. Present user with color-coded statements for immediate understanding of claim validity, with the opportunity to learn more about the topic.


  1. Consolidate Federal, state, and local campground data sources into a single data source.
  2. Identify questions that arise when planning camping trips that are not answered by existing platforms:
    1. How long will it take me to drive there?
    2. Are campsites available to reserve?
    3. What are my public transit options?
  3. Automate process of checking availability, finding drive time, and transit opportunities.
  4. Provide a web interface for accessing the information, searchable by a streamlined set of options created from data consolidation.

Business Impact

The political fact checker program was developed as a prototype application for Intel® Ultrabooks to highlight how new software products take advantage of integrated voice recognition technology. An example of Fact Checker visualization can be viewed at is nearing public beta release, and has had 1,000 users since appearing online in November 2015. Analytics show that drive time and campsite availability are the most popularly searched options, with about half of users exiting to–a campground reservation website. The site can be accessed at


“Something that I’ll always associate with Sev is the unrelenting drive he applies to bringing his goals to reality. I was fortunate to meet Sev when he was stepping back into the world of software development and found his energy and intellect–applied to both programming and stakeholder engagements–was critical in being able to deliver quality software to meet a demanding schedule.” – David. W. Product Manager, Intel Corporation